Saturday, November 30, 2013

A Little Nervous

Monday I am calling to pull Fairy from CAVA (k12).  She will be homeschooled without a charter school as Princess' teacher can not take on anymore students and I do not want to add other teachers and expectations on to my already crazy schedule.  That is the main reason we are pulling Fairy early.

I have a full week of lesson plans for all the kids completely outlined.  I am as ready as I can be.  I know I have to call the school, then on Tuesday I file the paperwork with the state.  So I am prepared.  But still really nervous as now it is completely on me and there is no real back up.  But I know after homeschooling for almost 3 years that I can do it and once I get over the nervousness we will do great. 

Fairy will be using Teaching Textbooks grade 3 for math.  I had her try it yesterday and she loves it and she is doing well so far. We will also be doing a general math class as a family.  I want to ensure we hit all the basics and that all the children are where they should be.

For language arts and reading she will be using Complete Curriculum Workbook 1st grade and Little House on the Prairie.  She will be doing the same spelling as Princess so she will be working out of Spelling Workout B.

For science we are continuing as a family to study the human body. This week we will be studying the circulatory system and the digestive system.  And in history we are going to be working from Vacation under the Volcano.  We will be studying ancient Roman, especially Pompeii. But first we will be making a video of an interview with the caveman and drawing cave paintings.

For languages Fairy, Buddy and Baby Girl are studying ASL with Signing Time.  I am currently looking for more ways to teach Fairy more as she is learning the signs very quickly.  I am trying to learn them as well but am not doing that well.

Princess is continuing Spanish.  Her teacher is ordering Little Pim for her.  I know it is a young level but with that, the workbook and the computer programs we have I think she should be covered.

This is going to be an exciting week for our family but I hope it all goes smoothly.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

School at Home and More Changes

We finished studying ancient Egypt at the start of the month. As our final project we made Egyptian bracelets and amulets from salt dough.  The kids had so much fun.  I took pictures of them making the bracelets and amulets, but not of them painting them.

We also finished the skeleton unit we were studying in Science.  We watched Stanley the Skeleton and the kids learned so many of the bones.  I took some pictures of them watching, measuring their bones and filling in their lapbooks.

I paired Princess and Buddy together.  Fairy and Baby Girl worked together.  I explained to the older girls I wanted them to ask the younger children the answer first to give them a chance.  They worked well together and found all the answers with no fighting.

They used the computer to look up how many bones in the body.  The bigger girls looked it up then the younger kids remembered it so that the older girls could write it down.
We are pulling Fairy from the K12 school we have been using.  The girls will be working together to complete all the things they know for school.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

School on the Go!

We have been so busy and Daddy had a motorcycle accident so I have not posted lately but we have taken lots of pictures so I am going to post them and add descriptions on a few posts.  I do not want to over do it.

 Princess doing math at the Veterans hospital.  Daddy had appointments all morning so I took a crate with our school supplies and we fed the ducks and then sat down to do school.  All the kids did great and focused really well.  We have had to do this a few times lately.

  The kids loved feeding the ducks.

We have also went to a field trip to the local pet store (went to get crickets).  The workers were taking care of the snakes and were nice enough to allow the kids to hold one and to talk about their care, though they new we were not getting any.

Princes loved the snake.  She kept asking if we could get one.  I am not getting a snake! Fairy did not want to hold the snake though she did pet him.  Buddy enjoyed the snake too and was extremely careful with him.  Baby Girl was fine until the snake moved, then she dropped him and refused to hold him or go near him anymore. 
Yesterday is the last away from home group of pictures I am going to post.  Daddy had more all day appointments and I did not do school at the hospital because the kids were all out of sorts.  They finally calmed down when we took Daddy to school last night so we did school at Daddy's school!

The two smaller kids played with Lego's as I read from their history book.  The older girls worked on math and literature.  They finished it up pretty good and listened for the most part though at one point I had to put Fairy and Princess on separate tables because they were distracting each other.

Oh I almost forgot!  Her is a picture of our school in a crate!