Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Mrs. Wordsworth Review

We received the opportunity to try out a cute and fun vocabulary curriculum for the past few months.  All I was asked was to give an honest review of the product. 

The product was for my 8 and 9 year olds to use, However I did use it with my 11 and 12 year old as well.  My 11 and 12 year olds loved the curriculum and asked for the new word of the day as often if not more than my 9 year old.  They loved the cute pictures and figuring out what the word ment as well as trying to make the best sentence using the word pairs.

The only one who had a tough time with the curriculum, though she loved the cute pictures was my 8 year old.  I believe this is because of her many learning issues and it takes her a bit longer to process the new information.  We will be using the curriculum a bit differently with her in the future.  We will be doing a word a week with her while the others will get a word a day.  This will give her more practice and less pressure allowing her to process the word in her own time.

We used Mrs. Wordsworth as suggested each day I would pull out the new word and place it on our stand. 

We looked at the picture and discussed what the children thought the word might mean based on that then I uncovered the definition and we discussed how close they were and why the picture would look that way to describe the word.  Then we would flip the worksheet over and discuss synonyms and word pairs finding the word pairs and synonyms for each word.  Since I am using the curriculum for more than one child I chose to discuss instead of writing on the worksheets.  Then each child was given the chance to use their favorite word pair in a sentence.

Throughout the day we would go back over the word and play with the word cards given to us.  We would use the cards to try to figure out new words and to review the words we already learned.

Mrs. Wordsmith has such cute and engaging pictures and is really simple to use.  It has made our day more fun and learning new words really interesting and easy for my kids and low prep and easy to teach for myself.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

It has been awhile

We tried to start back to blogging and allowing the girls to blog on their own page but for some reason the app on my phone did not work. 

We moved into a travel trailer 3 years ago and man was learning to homeschool there an adventure.  It still is if I am honest with 2 kids in middle school next year.

Plus we are doing some educational testing on Bubby to see why he is having so much trouble.  We suspect ADHD and possibly dysgraphia.  Baby Girl has had a really hard time with Reading, writing and Math.  We have found that she has dyslexia and possibly dysgraphia and dyscalculia.  It has been a tough journey for them the last few years but we are learning and adding in all kinds of supports to help out.

Princess is working on skipping 7th grade.  She is testing well and I believe we will do that but have not finished looking at that option.  She wants to graduate high school at 16.

Fairy is working at grade level and moving right along. 

We are with a new charter school that is helping us with the Baby Girl to an extent. But she will get all the support she needs to become the doctor she wants to be. 

Next year we will be changing up our curriculum some as well to adjust for issues I have found in a few kids learning.  I will talk more about that at another time.