Sunday, August 18, 2013

Why I Homeschool

I was asked today if I had ever written what I believe school should be like.  I do not think that there is any one right answer to that question, so I answered with what I want for my children.  Here is what I said.

I want them to learn in a setting that is relaxed and enjoyable. 

A place where even if something is hard and boring it can be done. 

I want them to be challenged.  I think that everyone needs to be challenged to learn and explore new things.  It should not all be memorization. 

I want my children to question the world around them, including religion.  I want them to explore and find out their own beliefs and be able to explain and truly understand why we believe the way we do.  Not just say because the Bible says so. 

I want my children's faith, joy and happiness to be greater and stronger than my own.

I want to raise them so they know they can be, love, do anything they want and be proud of it. Not ashamed and hiding.  While I may not always agree with them, I want them to have the confidence to stand behind who they are and what they believe and want for themselves.

I do not feel that public school can give this to my children so I homeschool. 

Homeschooling has given my children the ability to be themselves and learn at their own pace. My children are truly all over the board.

Basically I want an education that lifts my children up.  Teaches them to be strong individuals, and is tailored to their educational needs.

No school can provide that even with excellent teachers, of which I believe there are many.

This is why I choose to homeschool.  I want the whole world open to my children and we can explore everything.

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